中国美术家协会会员宋征殷 (1920. 8—1993.12)又名华西里,江苏无锡人。擅长油画,美术史论。1944年9月毕业于日本东京日本大学艺术系,曾受日本艺术大师腾岛武二,梅原龙三郎等东京著名评论家,油画家柳亮内田岩等名师教导,获得日本大学学院奖。历任上海美术专科学校、苏州美术专科学校(沪校)教授、国立安徽大学教授兼艺术科主任、南京师范大学美术系教授。晚年在南京师范大学美术系任外国美术史论硕士研究生导师。作品曾在日本、美国和南斯拉夫卢布尔雅内中国现代绘画展中入选为海报及目录封面。1991年在第三次中国科普作协全国代表大会上授予“成绩突出的科普美术家”荣誉。(图号:1403)^_^Song Zhengyin (1920-1993) is a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu province. In 1944,he graduated from the Nippon Art University in Tokyo,Japan. Under the guidance of famous Tokyo art masters Tekeji,Umehara Saburo, and the renowned teacher and oil painting artist,Akira Uchida, he won the Academy award of Nippon University. Later,he became professor of Shanghai College of Art,professor of National Anhui University,and co-director of the Art Department. He was also the professor in the Art Department in Nanjing Normal University. During his later years,he taught foreign art history and tutor of postgraduates for master degree in Art Department of Nanjing Normal University. His works had been selected to be published in the bulletin and the front cover of content book in Modern Chinese Painting Exhibitions in Japan,US and Yugoslavia. In 1991 he received the honorary title “Artist of Science of Popularization with Outstanding Deeds” in The 3rd National Chinese Representative meeting of Science Popularization Workers’ Association. (Lot 1403)